REDISCOVER - Thematic Routes Workshop – partner meeting in Banja Luka


The Rediscover partnership held its usual half-yearly partner meeting in Banja Luka in February. Originally the meeting was planned to be a two-day meeting, but since the project arrived at the most crucial phase of implementation, the partnership decided to extend it with one extra day.

And what was so important we couldn’t discuss within 48 hours? Please find our answer by presenting these flowcharts below.

1. To understand our project this flowchart shows the progress of the activities from the beginning until the end.

2. Workpackage 4 is about joint attraction development. This flowchart shows the path of how we manage to get to realize the joint services and/or products.

3. The four most important guidelines or handbooks during the process.

4. The Joint Project Portfolio identifies these 5 main categories which will turn into clusters.

5. The process of creating synergies and viable touristic products and services

6. Joint Thematic Routes within the 5 categories 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)