WOMEN IN BUSINESS - 1st pilot training on young women entrepreneurship started


The results of the 1st Call for Applications for attending the pilot programme on young women entrepreneurship under WOMEN IN BUSINESS project has been realised. The project partners agreed that 99 applictaions were approved among 114.

Concerning the applicants, about 35% are from Moldova, 20% -  from Hungary, 17% - from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15% - from Bulgaria, follwed by Slovenia (7%), Romania (4%), Austria (1%), Croatia (1%), Serbia (1%), even from Albania (1%).

Most of the applicants are within the age range 30-34 years, follwed by girls aged 19-29 years. Quite interested in attending the pilot programme are also women from the group 34+ years.


All involved women in the pilot actions are directed to different training level depending of their business experience. Most of them are  under Beginners level which includes YWE without any business experience. The next level "Intermediate" is for those who have established own business but are in the beginning of their business development (up to 3 years). The "Advanced" level is for experienced WEs who are interested in networking and creation of partnershpi for further development of their companies.

The first on-site meeting was organized in the Women Entrepeneurship Centre - Bulgaria on 28.02.2020 by RAPIV and Varna Free University, where the WOMEN IN BUSINESS platform was presented as well as the 1st workshop "Start-up business planning and business model canvas". For those girls who were not able to attend on place, was ensured a live streaming via facebook group of the Centre.  


The first on-site meeting was organized by University of Pannonia in the Women Entrepeneurship Centre - Hungary on 10.03.2020. The topic of the meeting was "How to start your own business".

The 1st on-line training was also organized by BWCON on 04.03.2020 with regard on "How to use the WOMEN IN BUSINESS platform".

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)