REFOCuS - Transboundary plus-tree selection continues


Croatian Forest Research Institute continues with plus-tree selection for project’s target species (pedunculated oak, narrow-leaved ash, black poplar, black alder and field elm) in Croatia and helps project partners in Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and Serbia with their selection. Information on selected trees, such as their height, diameter at breast height and the tree coordinates, as well as photos of each plus-tree, go to the Register of plus-trees established by the REFOCuS project. From each tree we took samples of bark or leaves for its DNA analysis. Each plus tree will be DNA fingerprinted at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. DNA fingerprinting helps us to determine tree identity. It shows whether a plus tree is a genetically distinct individual or a clone, grown from suckers or cuttings, and allows us to infer ancestry and family structures. This information is helpful to inform tree conservation programmes and silvicultural practices.

To take an insight into how plus-tree selection field work looks like, please visit our gallery.


(Photo: Miran Lanšćak)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)