KnowING IPR - Event Patenting and IPR management in Nova Gorica


On the 6th of November, the KnowING IPR partners organised a dissemination event in Nova Gorica, titled Patenting and IPR management. The event was a good platform to activate regional, national and transnational stakeholders to provoke a debate on patent informatics, its usage in innovation and impacts for technology transfer landscapes. IPR management's best practices were discussed in the final part of the event.


The discussions at the event were evolving around the topics of:

  • Intellectual property rights protection and patenting landscapes (Contributors: Mr. Peter Bittner, Patent Attorney, Karlsruhe, Germany) and Mr. Levin Pal, Technology Transfer Office, Institute ‘Jožef Stefan’, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
  • Technology Transfer and Advanced functions of intellectual property rights databases – presentation of the PATENTSCOPE database and Global Brand database (Contributor: Ivaylo Dimitrov, World Intellectual Property Office, Geneve, Switzerland)
  • Innovation in the automotive sector and start-up ecosystems: a need for IPR management (contributor: Mrs. Sigeline Walz, Automotive Engineering Network, Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • IPR management in enterprises (roundtable discussion, moderated by Tamara Valič, KnowING IPR Project Manager) with participants: Mr. Aleš Štrancar, Bia Separations d.o.o and Mrs. Breda Kolmanič. Instrumentation technologies d.o.o

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)