
Almost the whole SIMONA consortium participated at the Mid-term Project meeting in Budapest. The meeting was organised on 29-30 January 2020, by our Hungarian partner HU-SZIE with the support of the lead partner SI-GEOZS, which took place at Szent Istvan University. In the project, we already completed half of its activities, thus the scientific coordinator (Gyozo Jordan) presented the overall progress and reports on obstacles encountered not only in the past but the ones that could be expected in the future. The emphasis of the project`s status overview and discussions was on the forthcoming: 1. training activities - sampling and laboratory analysis execution with substantial sediment quality sampling and laboratory analysis protocols, and 2. evaluation procedure, which includes the methodology protocol testing, since the Evaluation Workgroup meeting was also the part of the whole meeting. Some of the WP Leaders proposed certain tasks for all partnership to complete according to given deadlines in order to resolve the financial dilemmas and the ones on training activities (sampling and laboratory analysis procedure). As we are approaching our first pretraining and training events, we expect these issues to be enlightened accordingly. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)