RARE - Roma innitiatives


Enterprenaures, social coorporations, protected workpalaces- in the framework of RARE (Roma as Resources) project we are going to introduce good practises on the labour market.

Firstly we start with a project, implemented in Serbia.

One of the goals of the Project „Donau-Korb Serbien“ is the creation of jobs, especially for the Roma community  in the regions of Apatin and Sabac municipalities. The main attention lies on the cultivation and refining of high quality wicker. Until now 22 Roma are involved and in total 100-150 Roma will be involved in the project.

Project envisaged support through mentorship and technical assistance during the establishment of the Roma led entrepreneurships/companies, also by provision of administrative and accounting services as a method of on the job training.

Project support services have shown great results in support of both Roma entrepreneurships and individuals involved in basket weaving, so far. Two entrepreneurships are registered and established by Roma families in order to improve baskets weaving business. Also, this service provision is important in establishing partnerships both at the local and at the provincial and national level.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)