MEASURES - Internal Midterm Meeting - January 15-16th 2020, Vienna


A year and a half has passed since we started the MEASURES project, but it felt like a minute for the active team who kept themselves busy with protecting the migratory fishes. It is a time to analyze the results and plan the activities to come, and we did this last week at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) headquarters in Vienna.

The meeting agenda concentrated around updates on main working packages in the first day. The participants thus had opportunity to benchmark the deliverables to the initial plan and to point the focus for the next period in each of the topics. The second day continued with in depth working sessions on some of the most important topics to be aligned: habitat mapping, ex-situ facility design and stakeholder engagement.

As 2020 is a year to celebrate migratory fishes, the team got involved in the second day also in a brainstorming session to define concepts for events to be rolled out for the World Fish Migration Day, on May 16th.

We are looking forward to measuring many healthy thriving sturgeons in the Danube river!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)