REFOCuS - Regeneration of riparian forests – When in doubt, go native!
Stability of riparian forests in Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve is declining. Majority of native key stone species is seriously damaged. Natural forest regeneration often fails. No, this is not a beginning of a science fiction movie. This is actually happening in riparian forests in the Biosphere Reserve. So, what to do? REFOCuS came up with recommendations on which tree species to use and promote. The report clearly stresses use of native species as the best measure, while discourages use of exotic species due to lack of scientific background. REFOCuS gives a list of tree species for each of four different habitats present in the Biosphere Reserve (riverine willow shrubs, softwood riparian forests, hardwood riparian forests and transition forests). When in doubt which tree species to use, this report is the right place to consult.
Photo: Marta Curman