WOMEN IN BUSINESS - 3rd National Stakeholder Group Meeting in Hungary


Pannon Business Network organised the 3rd National Stakeholder meeting of WOMEN IN BUSINESS project on the 4th December 2019.

The interactive event included a workshop afternoon specially developed for the Women in Business Training Models and focusing on women’s needs in the Danube Region. The workshops inclued 3 different sessions: Digital marketing, HR Problems and B2W.

PBN invited their stakeholder Női Vállalkozói Klub Egyesület and other interested future women entrepreneurs also attended the afternoon.Our partners from the University of Pannonia also attended the meeting.

31 women entrepreneurs attended the event. Most of the attendees are already entrepreneurs or want-to-be entrepreneurs. Women Entrepreneurs Club Association also invited their members.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)