Danube Energy+ - Tool presented by Cleantech Bulgaria


On the 21st of November, Cleantech Bulgaria presented the DanubeEnergy+ Tool - a pre-acceleration learning scheme for Young Innovators with ground-breaking energy ideas.

The Tool was presented at the EIT Climate-KIC programme "Pioneers into Practice" finale. The programme gathers together an array of experts in the fields of energy and climate change and supports them in going on a working experience in a leading climate organization in the EU. In addition, during the whole programme the team of "pioneers" worked hard together on system innovation thinking, thus making them ideal candidates for the Danube Energy+ Tool and potentially the future changemakers of the energy landscape in Europe.

Stay tuned to find out where and when you can find out more about the #DanubeEnergy+ Tool, as well as when you can apply for the programme!

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)