Danube S3 Cluster - Agriculture 5.0: a new vision for agriculture in Baden-Württemberg


Realizing that although species extinction and climate change are constantly under discussion, only few concrete solutions are eventually being implemented, the think tank Agriculture 5.0 (Denkfabrik „Landwirtschaft 5.02) developed a new system for agriculture and green urban areas. This think tank, based in Offenburg (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), is composed of 5 universities, 6 scientific institutes, 12 companies, the city of Offenburg and 15 farmers who wish to promote a new agriculture compatible with the Paris Agreements. Pilot actions will be implemented in 15 farms in Offenburg and the Ortenau district.

What are the concrete objectives of Agriculture 5.0?

Reduce agricultural carbon footprint as much as possible by increasing biodiversity on arable land, producing vegetable carbon, using solar energy via agro-voltaic panels and electric agricultural vehicles. Fair wages for these farmers is also one of the project's priorities.

The think tank has launched a crowdfunding campaign on 13 September 2019 in order to get a startup funding. With the money, the think tank will finance preliminary studies. Laboratories and facilities for plant carbon production and analysis will also be planned. With the first results, the think tank hope to get funding from the Ministry of rural affairs and consumer protection of Baden-Württemberg.

More information is available on the Crowdfunding website: www.startnext.com/landwirtschaft-50

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)