D2C - Let‘s see European Green Belt in Šumava!


Czech project partner Ametyst NGO and National Park Šumava have organized first excursion of general public to European Green Belt. Participants visited places with turbulent history such a shooting range of border guards, a forest intersection where was placed an electric fence with 6000 volt output or paths used by border guards to monitor the Iron Curtain. We weren't focused only on the history but we showed participants beauties of nature developed in European Green Belt – mares, deep spruce forests or grasslands with rare species of flora such common club moss, marsh clubmoss or marsh lousewort. It was a great opportunity to see inaccessible parts of the national park and learn interesting information from living witnesses.
Let’s visit the European Green Belt again in spring 2020!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)