SIMONA - Participation on the Croatian geological congress 2019


In the period from 9th till 11th of October, 6th Croatian geological congress was held in Zagreb (Croatia). The SIMONA team from Croatia and Slovenia participated at the congress with oral and poster presentations. The title of oral presentation was: Sediment-Quality Information, Monitoring and Assessment System to Support Transnational Cooperation for Joint Danube Basin Water Management -SIMONA Project. Title of the poster was: SIMONA project- Transnationally Harmonized Protocol for Drainage Sediment Sampling and Laboratory Analysis of Hazardous Substances Content in Danube River Basin.

During the congress, progress of the SIMONA project was presented to the attendees, who had chance to get information about the aims and goals of the project. Moreover, there were discussions about future steps of the project. Emphasis in discussions was on the work package 4 (WP4), concerning the harmonization of the sampling and laboratory methods for river drainage sediment. Activities related to the WP4 are getting closer to the finish, and a group from Croatian geological survey, as a leading partner for the WP4, presented progress through poster session.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)