Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Invitation to Biking festival - Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate


The second Amazon of Europe Biking festival cycling event happening this Saturday, 19th October 2019 is organized by the Balaton felvidéki National Park Directorate


We meet at 9 o’clock in the morning on front of Bonne Chance Hotel és Reataurant (Bázakerettye, 8887 Bázakerettye, Fő u.72.), from there with an hour's train ride we will arrive to Csömödér to the starting point of the tour. The first stop will be at Szécsisziget where a little local snack waits for us, then we will return to Bázakeretty on the Tormafölde-Vétyem-Budafapuszta route, where lunch is served at Bonne Chance Restaurant.

A more detailed timeplan:

  • 09:00 - Arrival and registration of participants at Bonne Chance Hotel and Restaurant, 8887 Bázakerettye, Fő u. 72.
  • 09:30 - Departure- small train trip by Zalaerdő Forest Rail to the village of Csömödér- On the train introduction of AoE project and the planned trail route
  • 10:30 - Arrival to Csömödér
  • 10:45 - Biking on the planned AoE trail
  • 11:30 - Arrival to Szécsisziget Mill, 8879 Szécsisziget, Rákóczi u. 1.
  • Resting, coffee and herbal tea break and local food tasting. Visiting the old Kerka Mill, we will take a walk in the beautyfull village -visit the baroque style roman catholic church, walk in the garden of Andrássy-Szapáry castle to see water buffalos, also we can learn about the history and culture of the area!
  • 12:00 - Continue biking on AoE Bike Trail Tormafölde-Vétyem-Budafapuszta- Bázakerettye route
  • 14:00 - Arrival to Bázakerettye Bonne Chance Hotel and Restaurant
  • 14:30 - Lunch

Bicycles for the bike tour will be provided!

We kindly ask everyone to register until the 15th of October 2019 on the following e-mail or the link below:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)