KnowING IPR - 3rd KnowING IPR Strategic Workshop


The 3rd KnowING IPR Strategic workshop was held on 25th of September 2019 in Slanchev Bryag, Bulgaria.

The activities of the 3rd KnowING IPR Strategic workshop purpose a set of activities that KnowING IPR Hub will be able to undertake in short, medium- and long-term period. Such approach will enable a smooth transition of operation of the KnowING IPR Hub into post-project period.

In Bulgaria a set of three workshops was dedicated to development of specific elements of the sustainability toolkit. The sustainability toolkit is of vital importance to enable the functionality of the KnowING IPR HUB after the end of the KnowING IPR project.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)