D2C - Field meeting of project partners in Pilot region 1


D2C Project Partners from Pilot Region 1 met with local experts at the Czech-german border at September 24, 2019. Together with experts from the Nationalparks Sumava and Bayerischer Wald, the University of Southern Bohemia České Budějovice, Ametyst, BUND Naturschutz and the municipality Philippsreut they discussed topics of transboundary nature conservation efforts. For example the peatbog-spruce forests - highly valuable on both sides of the border - are core-zone of a national park on one side of the border and have no protection-status at all on the other (german) side. They were able to see measures taken to prevent the bark-beetle from spreading while still be able to leave dead-wood within the area to serve as habitat for other species. For some time now the bark of dead trees is slitted, so the bark-beetle is unable to breed.
And as an absolute highlight of the trip they saw a rare hazel-grouse, one of the key-species for the work of D2C in Pilot Region 1 :-) . 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)