
At the end of September 2019, the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe transformed itself into a marketplace of ideas for the fourth time. Scientists from all over Germany met with representatives of small and medium-sized companies with the aim of jointly exploring new ideas, cooperations and concrete business opportunities with innovative technologies from the energy sector. Energy4U encompassed an expert conference with parallel sessions and a fair where energy-related technologies were presented and companies had the opportunity to show their products in the marketplace area. Due to its concept of intermingling conference and fair, Energy4U brought together technology providers, technology users, research institutions and investors from the energy sector in Karlsruhe and surroundings, but also from distant regions and cities, like Paderborn.

In short presentations and as exhibitors, participants were able to present their products, services and innovative business ideas to an interested specialist audience and investors. The conference was divided into the focal points of energy conversion, energy storage, energy efficiency and energy transport with thematic blocks such as:

  • efficient buildings
  • innovative energy storage
  • natural refrigerants
  •  e-mobility
  • photovoltaics and light
  •  creative minds


Danube Energy+ project as well as the Danube Energy+ tool was presented as part of the interactive session “creative minds” to an audience of students, SME owners, representatives of clusters and business associations and research. In addition, Danube Energy+ and its activities were presented also with a booth.

Energy4u was organised by the University of Applied Sciences and the EnergyForum of the Economic Development Department of the City of Karlsruhe and was supported by the regional competence centre Energy Efficiency Middle Upper Rhine (KEFF). Consequently, this event did not only cover the thematic field of Danube Energy+, but also made sure that participants were attending the event who are relevant to the project. In addition, Energy4u offered a wide range of networking opportunities with the Karlsruhe Business Ecosystem as regards to energy and young innovators.

For Danube Energy+ this event was an opportunity to present the upcoming call and trainings that will be offered to young innovators in 2020 as well as to collect feedback on the approach of the Danube Energy+ Training and Ecosystem pack. One of the topics discussed with young innovators was the necessity to consider lecture-free times for the pilot and to start awareness rising as soon as possible.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)