Danube S3 Cluster - European Cluster Accelerator Programme: Clusters of Change Bootcamp


Funded by EIT Climate-KIC the 4-day event is organized by the Center for Industry and Sustainability (Zentrum für Industrie und Nachhaltigkeit – ZIN) at the Provadis School of International Management and Technology. This is a hands-on programme for: cluster managers, cluster practitioners, innovation leaders, innovation ecosystem builders, smart and visionary government bodies. Organizers offer up to 10 seats free of charge (travel and accomodation at the participants' expense) for cluster managers, ecosystem builders and practitioners from any of the 28 EU Member States. 

Bianca Dragomir, the first woman to be elected as 'European Cluster Manager of the Year’ by European Commission (2016), cluster manager of AVAESEN, member of the European High-Level Industrial Roundtable ‘Industry 2030’ will be the head coach. 

During workshops participants will work on their own cluster challenges and learn the crucial keys to cluster management, how to build innovation ecosystems for systemic change, and how to apply practical tools and innovative methods to their specific cluster/ecosystem needs. The Cluster Accelerator Programme (CAP) will award certificates of achievement for participants' professional use at the end of the Bootcamp.

Join the Bootcamp on October 14-17 in Frankfurt by applying here and secure one of the seats free of charge before September 15.

More information is available here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)