KnowING IPR - III International research and practice conference in Ukraine


Dear partners and stakeholders,

project partner Agency of Regional Development and Cross-Border Co-operation "Transcarpathia" is inviting to III International research and practice conference Topical issues of intellectual property in Ukraine and the European Union” which will be held on 05-06 October 2019 on the territory of the spa hotel “Quelle Polyana” (Ukraine, Zakarpatska Oblast, Svalyava district, village Polyana, 112 Б Dukhnovycha Street).

Thematic directions of the conference:
• TheoreticallegalaspectsofregulatingintellectualpropertylawinUkraine: issues and ways of their solution;
• Legal mechanism of realization of intellectual property law in Ukraine: realities and perspectives.

More about the conference can be found HERE.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)