KnowING IPR - Partnership Meeting with 1st Year Review in Budapest


On the 30th of August 2019, Partnership Meeting with 1st Year Review was held in Budapest, Hungary. It was organized by the project partner Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry. After the introduction of consortium, the state of the art after 1 year and future activities, including the financial management part was presented by the Lead partner. Work package leaders than followd by their presentations of the work done and presentation of the WP connections.


The Project Officer Mr. Marius Valentin Nicuale was present at the event, giving us his valuable input on the past work and future implementation.

We hereby thank our Project Officer Marius Valentin Niculae for his valuable input, and all the project partners for their engagement, participation, good work and positive energy.



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)