SIMONA - Meeting Announcement: WP3 Workshop in Romania


A meeting within the Work Package 3 will take place in Baia Mare (Romania) on September 13th 2019.

The work package 3 is dedicated to Inventory and case studies. The main resposible partner is RO-IGR (Geological Survey Romania). The following deliverable will be prepared as an outcome of this meeting:

D3.2.1 - Table of sampling sites providing details (e.g. exact location, measuring compounds and matrices, who is responsible for sampling) for Drava, South Danube and Upper Tisa test areas

The Invited parties are from the Upper Tisa Catchment Area: Hungary (HU-SZIE), Slovakia (SK-SGIDS), Ukraine (UA-UGC).

The meeting will be hosted by Romanian partner (RO-TUCN). Also, ASP’s from Romania are invited.

There are two main topics that will be debated in Baia Mare:

1.       The status of sampling points selection for Upper Tisa test area

2.       Discussion upon the best design for delivering the ”Table of sampling sites providing details for Upper Tisa test area”.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)