Sava TIES - Pilot measures implementation started


It is summer season and in Ljubljansko barje Nature park, Slovenia implementation of measures aiming to eradicate three invasive alien plant species (IAS) at our pilot plots is in full swing! 

However, not all of our activities are related solely to the eradication of IAS. It is essential to raise awareness about biggest threats that expanding distribution of invasive species poses to nature, economy and human health. For this purpose, multiple events were organized presenting the IAS topic and reasons why it is crucial to act immediately.

We also participated in several external events where Sava TIES project and the problem of invasive alien species were presented. Sava TIES project and its current activities were also presented at »Moja reka praznuje« event.


Furthermore, Sava TIES project team participated in the Eco Karst final event. The project dealt with ecosystem services provided by the karst protected areas and their potential for local sustainable development. Within the group discussion, we led the section entitled Challenges that IAS present for management of protected areas and probiodiversity businesses.

A lecture and a workshop took place for students of Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana. The event included a field trip to one of the areas where problems caused by invasive goldenrod and himalayan balsam can be presented on site. The students were engaged in removal of IAS themselves.

Members of the Slovenian Geocaching Club Geocacher also took part in “fighting” the goldenrod near Podkraj, area now overgrown with this invasive weed due to inadequate mowing in the past.

Mulching of the himalayan balsam was implemented in the pilot area. In areas inaccessible for machine eradication, the himalayan balsam was manually removed by volunteers, students of the Biotechnical Education Centre Ljubljana.

In the pilot plot different practices of eradication of goldenrod are being tested in 6 quadrants. Effectiveness and suitability of different eradication methods will be compared. In the first round, mulching, mowing and milling of goldenrod in the pilot plot are being tested.

News in national languages:

Croatia - Green Ring or Lonjsko Polje Nature Park Public Institution 

Slovenia - Public Institution Ljubljansko barje Nature Park 

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Center for Environment or Public Company National Park "Una"

Serbia - Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province or Nature Conservation Movement Sremska Mitrovica or Public Enterprise „Vojvodinašume“

Germany - EuroNatur

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)