
During the final pilot participants meeting in Prague on 2nd of July 27 participants took part in a final ReSTI workshop in the Skautský Institute, a creative co-working space in the historic city centre. The workshop provided 3 hours of intensive exchange and creative brainstorming and was intended to become a platform for networking of ReSTI participants giving impulses for future matchmaking and partnering. Partner of the ReSTI consortium supported the workshop in manifold roles as facilitators. The workshop was developed based on the appreciative inquiry approach and followed a set of calling questions:

1.           What are your main takeaways from the ReSTI project?

2.           What can you do to make a difference in your region?

3.           What can you do to build sustainable partnerships for future?

These questions were reflected in all parts of the workshop keeping in mind to harvesting the nine months of ReSTI.academy. An appreciative inquiry is an effective way - and one practice of the art of hosting AoH portfolio – of harnessing collective wisdom and the self-organizing capacity of groups.

The workshop was structured in two parts starting with a cycle followed by an energizing exercise requesting individual definitions of ReSTI project management and a group work on individual ReSTI expert and project stories by participants. These stories were selected on the basis of submitted projects and ideas to an online survey.  Furthermore, four consortium partners supported as facilitators with a soft moderation. In the second part of the workshop participants were invited again in the cycle and then to an individual storytelling and group work working collaboratively on new project ideas.

The workshop was developed and implemented by Pamela Bartar, Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)