FORESDA - Show Will go On!


To ensure the sustainability of the project results beyond the project timeframe is always a challenge, but FORESDA project manages to solve it on several levels. One of the methods is the establishment of the three Collaboration Networks (CNs) which have developed agendas which do not depend on the project end. The CNs are dealing with the following topics:
1. Creative Hubs (Main objective: To promote creativity as a generator of employment, competitiveness, and innovation in the modern economy in the forest-based industries)
2. Building with Wood (Main objective: Promotion of responsible building with wood in Europe and smart and sustainable development of wood construction businesses)
3. Socially responsible use of forests (Main objective: To explore and encourage socially responsible use of forests with an accent on the development of accessible tourism within the Danube forests).
The main objective of those CNs is to offer sustainable platforms to create new projects, products, and services based on the cross-sectoral collaboration and linked to the forest-based industries.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)