InnoHPC - Slovenian participation in paneuropean supercomputing


On 7th of June, European Commission selected 8 supercomputing centers across the continent to host the EuroHPC supercomputing infrastructure. Supercomputers will be located in Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic (Ostrava, InnoHPC Partner IT4I as hosting institution) and Slovenia (University of Maribor). 

For the purpose of public announcement the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport hosted the event where the public announcement was made. The event was hosted by University of Maribor, together with the Ministry with Slovenian Minister for Education, Science and Sport dr. Jernej Pikalo being the main speaker. The audience was addressed also by Mr. Khalil Rouana, Deputy Director-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology at European Commission.

The main part of the event was dedicated to presentation of Slovenian supercomputing community with prof. Zoran Ren (University of Maribor) presenting the project HPC RIVR – the main investment in supercomputing research infrastructure of the eastern cohesion region (University of Maribor and Faculty of Information studies in Novo mesto being hosts).

The research work of the Slovenian supercomputing community was presented by dr. Janez Povh, presenting PRACE network and InnoHPC project; Tomi Ilijaš from Company Arctur was speaking about HPC as an opportunity for Small and Medium Enterprises and dr. Jan Jona Javoršek presented SLING (Slovenian national supercomputing grid).

The researchers from Josef Stefan Institute, Institute of Chemistry and Faculty of Medicine (UL) presented the usage of Supercomputers to support their research work.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)