GREEN DANUBE - At the Economic Commission for Europe


Yesterday, 19th June 2019, at the Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee, Working Party on Inland Water Transport Working Party on the Standardization of Technical and Safety Requirements in Inland Navigation, during the fifty-fifth session in Geneva, Priority Area 1A coordinator held a presentation on “Modernization and greening of the fleet on the Danube”.

Priority Area 1A — To improve mobility and multimodality: inland waterways of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region - is coordinated by Austria and Romania, with the involvement of a wide network of key players and stakeholders from the 14 countries of the Danube region.

Among the four projects on the Danube that were detailed for the public, GREEN DANUBE was presented with a focus on the identified best practices for IWT air emission reduction within the Greening Technologies work package of the project.

The project aims, among other, to promote Innovative Greening Technologies toward low carbon IWT shipping and the project partners conducted a study on Good Practices for IWT air emission reduction in the Danube region and other European rivers.

For more details on these technologies, please follow the link to the specialised section of the project website:

The objectives of the Economic Commission for Europe are to initiate and participate in measures for facilitating concerted action for the economic reconstruction of Europe, for raising the level of European economic activity and for maintaining and strengthening the economic relations of the European countries both among themselves and with other countries of the world.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)