Danube SKILLS - Final conference


Danube SKILLS partners reunited on 13 June in Budapest to celebrate project’s successful completion. The event was intended to recreate the most important moments of their 30 months’ journey, discuss project most important results and outline possible opportunities for their implementation, amendment or integration in future initiatives, highlight partners’ personal achievements and also enjoy the ship tour the Hungarian host had kindly arranged for the participants.

Contact Danube SKILLS:  Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ -Project Manager

Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223
Email: ghiulermanole@ceronav.ro
Mobile: +40 752 118 880
Project Website: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danube-skills
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/DanubeSKILLS 
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/Pr_DanubeSKILLS

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)