Made in Danube - Capitalisation with INTERREG Adriatic Ionian


Capitalization with INTERREG Adriatic Ionian Projects

In the frame of Interreg Adrion project BIOECO-R.D.I., on 13th and 14th of May, a Peer review and matchmaking event was organized within the International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, Serbia.

BIOECO-RDI aims at developing a Regional Innovation System for the Adriatic-Ionian area based on a structured bio-economy sector focusing on agricultural production and food industry.

During the first day, concepts and activities of INTERREG DTP projects Made in Danube and Danube S3 Cluster were presented. Professor Milan Martinov (Faculty for Technical Sciences Novi Sad, RS) and further Made in Danube project team members from Serbia participated in Matchmaking Events as well. BIOECO-R.D.I.representatives expressed high interest for Innovation Partnership Agreements performed within MiD.

Part of Professor Martinov's presentation was further an experience report based on his impressions gained through his work in the project:
While conducting diverse MiD activities, the most impressive was that manufacturers in the sector of biofuels were highly interested for innovative solutions. However, the systematic approach for innovation and innovation culture in such SMEs are still missing. Academia and R&D institutions are, in the contrary to this, with some exceptions, less interested for development of commercial innovations, but more oriented toward publishing of (quasi) scientific articles. This is the consequence of introduced criteria for their academic recognition and advancement.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)