
During 5.06.19-06.06.19 the Danube Energy+ project partners met in Zagreb, Croatia to hold the regular Steering Commitee meeting and discuss the current status of the project. In addition to the SCOM meeting the partners held their 2nd workshop dedicated to the Work Package "Danube Energy+ Package". The Croatian partner, Optimizacija leads these activities and invited the partners to the workshop to Zagreb in order to jointly finalize the learning tool for young Innovators, a so called Danube Energy+ Tool. The goal of this tool is to support young innovators to pioneer change in the energy efficiency area by setting up highly innovative startups and to preapare energy focused startups.

During the workshop the partners agreed on the final structure, learning scheme and materials as well as on the time line for the tool pilot.

The second component of the Danube Energy+ Package is another learning tool adressing the regional eco system actors (public administartion, industry actors, universities, BSAs) in terms of providing them a guidance  how to identify and motivate young innovators within their eco system, how to apply the Danube Energy+ tool and also how to connect young innovators with the key stake holders.

The partners used the workshop to work further on the development of the Danube Energy+ Package and set up working enabling a more effective, focused work and deeper discussions in regular virtual calls schedulled after the workshop in Croatia.

As soon as the partners elaborate the 1st version of the "Package" it will be presented to the Regional Alliance partners in each participating country in order to gather their feedback and improvement suggestions. These feedbacks are cruicial for the project sustainability and will help to  finalize the whole PACKAGE.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)