RI2integrate - Training Seminar on Science and Technology Parks: operation, financing, best practices and contribution to the development of Regional Competitiveness


The IFIN-HH RI2Integrate team cordially invites you to participate in the Training Seminar on Science and Technology Parks: operation, financing, best practices and contribution to the development of Regional Competitiveness.

Paris Korokotsikos, Chairman and CEO of EUROCONSULTANTS SA, an innovation and technology advisory group of companies operational in more than 20 countries is an expert at high level advisory group to international institutions and governments on SMEs, economic,innovation development programs, planning and management.

His involvement in development of specialized infrastructures for enhancing entrepreneurship and competitiveness such as innovation financing schemes, innovation parks and zones, business areas, science parks and technology incubators and his  experience as co-investor in over 25 startups and early stage innovative companies in biotech, ICT and energy sectors provided good knowledge and best practice.

The seminar aims at an open discussion on the main important issues and decisions in the setting up and operation of a successful science and technology park.


Venue: Biblioteca Nationala de Fizica, 409 Atomistilor Street, 077125 Magurele, Romania

09,30 Arriving to the venue and registration of participants

09,45 Welcome speech and short introduction on ELI-NP Research Infrastructure – Ioan Ursu, Scientific Secretary,

10,00 – 11,00 Developing, operating and financing science and technology parks Part I – Paris Krokotsikos

Best practices in: strategy, business planing, operation and governance

11,00 – 11,15 Coffee break

11,15 – 12,15 - Developing, operating and financing science and technology parks Part II – Paris Krokotsikos

Science and technology park networking

Financing various development stages

12-15 -13.15 Networking lunch

13.15-14.00 ELI-NP site visit

14.00 – 14.30 Advanced Research – the new creative engine of European economy – DragoÈ™ Șeuleanu, CEO MHTC; ELI-NP

14.30 – 15,30 Developement of Regional Competitiveness and Innovation Entrepreneurship Initiatives with the contributions of Science Parks – Part I -   Paris Krokotsikos

15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break

15.45 -16.45 Developement of Regional Competitiveness and Innovation Entrepreneurship Initiatives with the contributions of Science Parks – Part II  - Paris Krokotsikos

University   Entrepreneurship and university preincubation issues;     

City living labs and cluster development

16,45 – 17,15 Open discussions

17,15 – 17.30 Closing Session

Please confirm your participation untill Friday, 7-th of June 2019  to Mr. Mircea Sbarna at mircea.sbarna@nipne.ro

RI2Integrate Team is looking forward to welcome you in Magurele!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)