RADAR - RADAR project just released third newsletter – check it out!


“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” – Anton Chekhov

We have entered to RADAR project’s first year of engaging with leading road safety experts on the 1st RADAR Road Safety Conference, sharing knowledge about road safety within Road Safety Expert meeting and impacting cause to saving lives on roads with Road Infrastructure Safety Trainings. We have supported many inspiring ideas, congratulated extraordinary speakers from leading institutions from all over Europe and concluded that contribution to road safety is a need where we all must cooperate and engage.

What awaits us on RADAR project (safe) journeys?

RADAR will identify risk on road networks and produce strategic action plans for evidence-based road infrastructure investment to reduce risk as well as facilitate transnational knowledge and best practice sharing processes, providing ready-to-use multi-language improvement tools to governments in participating countries.

Check how and where can you contribute to improving road safety in the Danube area HERE.

Contact RADAR Project Leader: Mrs. Olivera Djordjevic – Project Manager

Email: olivera.djordjevic@eurorap.org


Contact RADAR Communication Manager: Mrs. Nina Petrič

Email: nina.petric@amzs.si


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)