
Today, the 3rd of June is celebrated as World Bicycle Day. RADAR promotes active mobility for all, making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, by improving road safety especially for vulnerable road users (VRUs) and consequently increasing the trips done on foot and by bicycle where before was not possible.

The mobility needs of people who walk and cycle – often most citizens in a city – continue to be overlooked, states Share the Road Programme Annual Report 2018. Even though the benefits of investing in pedestrians and cyclists can save lives, help protect the environment and support poverty reduction. Meeting the needs of people who walk, and cycling continues to be a critical part of the mobility solution for helping cities de-couple population growth from increased emissions and to improve air quality and road safety.

Previous South-east European project SENSoR (South East Neighbourhood Safe Routes) showed that on 93% of roads where pedestrians were present, and where speeds were 40km/h or more, there was no footway. 97% of roads where cyclists are present had no dedicated provision for cyclists. RADAR will significantly contribute toward the improvement of conditions for VRU and all other road users in the region.

In this respect, RADAR project Partners, Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Slovenia (AMZS) and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ) organised Study visit on provision for VRUs (vulnerable road users - pedestrians and cyclist in particular) on March 28 and 29, 2019. Study visits focused on sites where countermeasures were successfully implemented and where the best opportunities exist to employ future countermeasures.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)