URBforDAN - Great interest in URBforDAN at the 22nd European Forum on Urban Forestry


URBforDAN in Cologne


Slovenian partner in the URBforDAN project Slovenia Forest Service (SFS) has presented our project at the 22nd European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF), which took place from 22 to 24 May in Cologne, Germany. The contribution resulted in good feedback from the participants, as the project is being implemented at times when discussions about the needs of urban forests development in Eastern Europe is at high peak.


A worldwide Network


Over 140 experts from 32 states, including USA, Canada, China, Australia, South Korea and Israel, attended the event that offered a chance to exchange experience among representatives, professionals and interest groups in various fields of work, such as forestry, spatial and urban planning, arboristic, ecosystem management, geography, architecture and many others it. The URBforDAN project especially raised attention among all key representatives of EFUF and even the European Forest Institute that coordinates currently the largest EU project in the field of urban forestry Clearing House.


On the map of European urban forestry


The presentation was a success, as the SFS managed to place the URBforDAN project on the map of European urban forestry. The presentation is available at: 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)