D-STIR - Electric future workshop by Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia


Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia organised a workshop for companies to promote responsible research and innovation. Workshop was titled "Electric future" and was held in co-wokring and incubator cooperative KIKŠTARTER. Within the workshop Slovenian partner also presented the D-STIR project and its results.

Workshop was attended by 20 entrepreneurs from the local environment of the Kamnik municipality. The aim of the event was to promote responsible research and innovation and to present the introduction of the STIR method in companies during Pilot Actions in the Heart of Slovenia. This coincided with the current issue of Electric future of development and innovative products, which are currently being developed in Slovenia as well as around the world.

The workshop was also held with the aim of promoting innovative thinking among young entrepreneurs and directing young entrepreneurs towards innovation and development, which is socially and environmentally responsible.

In the near future, we anticipate the boom of electric vehicles, and this workshop also touched  the current topic of electric vehicles in the air, land and water. It seems that electric vehicles have finally overcome most of the obstacles and can slowly shine in full light. We are all aware that mobility is changing and the future is definitely an electric one. This, however, coincides with the challenges and traps that these developments bring. Our collective responsibility, however, must be focused on the environmental and social responsibility.

Workshop in Kikštarter, Kamnik (Slovenia), organised by Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)