
Currently all project partners  are finalizing the 1st version of the Danube Energy+Tool on the regional level. To do so, each partner organized the 2nd Regional Alliance Meetings to present the draft version of the Tool to their Regional Allinace members and opened a round table discussions and set up workshops to get valuable feedback and improvement suggestions from their  respective RA members.The improvement reports based on the results of the meetings and workshops from all 9 Regional Alliances will be  discussed during our upcoming Transregional Workshop which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia during 5th and 6th June 2019. During this workshop we will finalize the Danube Energy+Tool which is the fisrt output planed within this project. 

We will also start with the development of the Danube Energy+ Ecosystem Package, an innovative learning system adressing the key actors of regional ecosystems (regional public authorities, universities, business supporting and industry actors). The Danube Energy+ Ecosystem Package will guide ecosystem actors in:

  • Identification of Young Innovators in their ecosystems
  • Motivation of Young Innovators to further development of their disruptive idea to marketable solutions
  • Application of the Danube Energy+ Tool to boost the knowledge of Young Innovators to scale up their idea too a venture
  • Connection of Young Innovators with other key stakeholders in regional ecosystems

Our Croatian project partner Optimization leads the activities dedicated to the development of  Danube Energy+ Tool and Danube Energy+ Ecosystem Package.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)