MOVECO - Final Conference in Linz (Austria)


The final conference "The Danube goes circular" of our MOVECO project took place on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria. About 70 participants from the ten partner countries in the Danube region participated in the conference to exchange views on circular economy and the MOVECO project results, such as the Transnational Strategy. The conference culminated in an awards ceremony in which the project partners announced the winners of the first MOVECO’s Innovation Award for circular products and services, selected by an international jury of circular economy experts.

Out of 65 applications, 15 finalists were invited to the conference and the award ceremony. The third and second place received certificates and the winners additionally the beautiful award, handed over by Markus Achleitner, Minister of the Economy of Upper Austria:

  • Product of the year 2019 (micro enterprises, less than 10 employees):
    • 3rd place: Turtle Box
    • 2nd place: The Coffee Jacket
    • Winner: Ponio (compostable cosmetics containers)
  • Product of the year 2019 (micro enterprises, less than 50  employees):
    • 3rd place: Relief Dresser
    • 2nd place: Resysta
    • Winner: Cupffee (edible coffee cups)
  • Product of the year 2019 (micro enterprises, less than 250  employees):
    • 3rd place: ReWin
    • 2nd place: Ecopulb basic
    • Winner: Lorenz GmbH & Co. KG (smart, recyclable water meter)
  • Circular Design of the year 2019:
    • 3rd place: ReGlass Collection
    • 2nd place: Skaza Coffee Cup Movement
    • Winner: Donar d.o.o. (manufacturer of recycled furniture)
  • Circular Innovation of the year 2019:
    • 3rd place: Sensoneo
    • 2nd place: Brothers of Mercy Munich
    • Winner: Refurbed (platform for repaired electronic devices)


For detailed information about the conference, read our press release.

Alongside the conference, just a couple of minutes further down the Danube river, our MOVECO team has created a mobile exhibition on "The circular economy in the Danube region". It is travelling across various countries along the Danube region and now arrived at its final destination in Linz.

All in all, the conference was a great success with lots of opportunities to exchange ideas and network. We would like to thank all award applicants and conference participants for the fruitful engagement!


The circular economy in a nutshell

In contrast to the traditional, linear, throwaway economy, in the circular economy, we design and create products that are easy to share, lease, reuse, repair, refurbish and recycle, while using regenerative resources and renewable energy. The goal is to minimise waste and to keep products and resources in the economy for as long as possible. Ideally, this win-win approach benefits both the economy and the environment.


"Your trash is my treasure" - This is the motto of the EU co-funded project MOVECO. Sixteen partners from ten Danube countries promote transnational cooperation to accelerate the transition to the circular economy.

For more information on the MOVECO project, we invite you to visit our website, our platform ( and follow us on social media.

If you want to share your thoughts about circular economy or if you are interested in receiving the MOVECO newsletter twice a year, please let us know and send an email to 



  MOVECO - Interreg

(Photo credits: MOVECO)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)