DA-SPACE - 2nd Local Demo Day - DA-SPACE Open Innovation Lab (OIL) in Novi Sad (Serbia)


The official start of the 2nd cycle of VOICT Open Innovation Lab (OIL) was the kick-off event organized on November 14th in VOICT OIL at Business Incubator Novi Sad. After that, 28 young talents worked in 9 teams, and together with their mentors, they tried to solve the challenges they’ve got from companies and other institutions that participated in the 2nd cycle of OIL. Teams worked with their mentors from companies/PA/universities (seekers) and together tried to develop a project idea which solves a concrete challenge.

2nd Demo Day was organized on April 18th, 9 teams of young talents had the opportunity to present their solutions in front of the jury and others who participated and the best team have got a chance to go to the 2nd International Demo Day in Ulm, Germany, where winning teams from 7 open innovation labs established by DA-SPACE project partners will present their innovative solutions.

As one of the main objectives of the project was to raise the entrepreneurship skills in the Danube Region and to match international experienced crowd (from public and private sectors) with talented young people while adopting innovative and creative teaching methods, participants of 2nd cycle of OIL also had a chance to learn something new and to develop their entrepreneurial skills through series of trainings organized within OIL.

Vojvodina ICT Cluster is a business association of IT companies and University of Novi Sad is a higher education institution, both are from Novi Sad (Serbia), and both are partners in DA-SPACE project. 

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)