
We are finally so far to present the 1st version of the Danube Energy+ Tool to our Regional Alliance members in each partner country to get their fedback and improve the Tool. In order to present the 1st version of the Tool each project partner is organizing a Regional Alliance meeting. Inaddition to the Regional Alliance meetings, the Tool will be presented at Regonal Networking events to all relevant stakeholders and actors within the regional ecosystem.

Danube energy+ Tool aims to boost Young Innovators  towards starting successfull ventures. It will be a pre-ceed/ pre-accelerating learning scheme targeting YIs and their research projects with an innovation and commercial potential contributing to the sustainable energy challenges, with specific industrial focus on innovative solutions adressing energy efficiency field that are still at the idea stage, but with no product, traction, or even a working prototype.

The content of the cca 4 week intensive learning schem will aim to finalize by having commercialization plan for a new start-up. Based on needs its main content will target the following competences:

  • specifis in business and energy efficiency
  • current networks, challenges and business opportunities in the field
  • competition analysisand advatage
  • customer/market validation
  • business skils including marketing/sales
  • business modelling
  • team setting up
  • legal start-up issues

The Danube Energy+ Tool will be available in all partner languages and in English.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)