
The Slovak project partner Neulogy organized their 1st Regional Allliance meeting as well as their 1st Regional Networking Event on 28.02.2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

The partner opened the events  with the RA meeting and started with the presentation of the project Danube Energy+ giving a detailed overview of the project deliverbales and upcoming activities and events. The pre-final Regional Map was presented in order to open a discussion and get feedback from RA members to finalize and improve the Regional Map.

The next slot was dedicated to the key speech of ASP partner Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA),representative  Mr. Artur Bobvnicky. He introduced the activities of the agency among them  implementation of energy related regulations such as certification and education of energy professionals.He also shared his experience and expertise in supporting young innovators and startups.

The RA members introduced themselves and their organization as well as their expectations adressed to the upcoming Tool and Package implementation. He also emphasized the importnaceof the project for the regional ecosystem. The RA meeting ended with lunch and networking session and got over to a communication event, a so called Regional Networking Thursday. During the communication event the participants had a chance to get insights into both sides (theoretical and practical) of starting up own business. Prof. Anna  Pilkova, who has  large experience in developing and implementing  enterpreneurship tutorials and trainings emphasized  the poetntial and benefits  of such programes and tools like Danube Energy+. On the other side two young startup teams Mesled and Nice Visions gave a more deeper practical insights into their journey from an idea to a startup and explained what kind of challenges they faced and support they received.

Both events brought key regional stakeholders closer together and opened more perspectives for  cooperation within the Slovak eco system and also the huge impact for the whole Danube macro region.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)