REDISCOVER - Coming soon …


The implementation of the project REDISCOVER has reached its first important stage, as project partners are coming close to finalising their local repositories of Jewish Cultural Heritage. This will lay the foundations of the product development workshop series to be held in the forthcoming months.

The first element of the series is the Inventory Workshop soon to be organised in each partner city. These focus on the overview and discussion of local Jewish cultural heritage inventory, the presentation of inspiring case studies from other partner cities and brainstorming of potential local and joint tourism products.

As a second step in the process, Capacity Building Workshops for local tourism development partners empower participants to share ideas, develop joint initiatives and to engage into product development and implementation processes. As participants are selected from authorities, SMEs and the civil sector, the events represent sustainable skill development on both individual, institutional and stakeholder level. The workshops will include the following themes: cooperation skill development, product development methodology and training, business planning methodology training.

Finally, the Match-making Workshop is to be organised in each partner city, involving local stakeholder groups, tourism service providers and related institutions. These professionally mandated moderated events already aim at identifying integrated tourism initiatives and cooperation opportunities among the selected stakeholders, and include the presentation of case studies from other partner cities.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)