ECO KARST - Training D for Pro Biodiversity entrepreneurs in the wider area of Bijambare PL successfully organized


The second training Development of Pro Biodiversity business ideas for entrepreneurs was held on April 8, 2019 in Ajdinovići, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The training was organized by the Dinaric Arc Parks and attended by 8 entrepreneurs, representatives of Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas Sarajevo and CENER 21 representatives. The training was led by experienced trainers Mr Muris Mešetović and Mr Matevž Premelč.

Mr Osman Delić, director of the Cantonal Public Institution for Protected Natural Areas Sarajevo, held a welcome speech and greeted all participants. Mr Delić stressed out that developing a business is a long process and the fact that success cannot be easily achieved. However, with devotion and hard work that 8 entrepreneurs showed in the last few months, he has no doubt in success of their pro-biodiversity business ideas. 

The main objective of the training was to provide information about available national and European financial funds as well as to strengthen their skills in presenting their business idea and receiving funds for business development.

The training started by presenting the Bosnian version of short ECO KARST movie. After the inspirational movie everybody enjoyed, a draft of the ECO KARST Action plan for Bijambare PL was presented together with the previous activities and results achieved during the ECO KARST project. All participants had an opportunity to express their ideas and propose additional suggestions in order to improve the final version of Action plan. The presentation of the Action plan was announced for 22th of April.

Further on, all pro-biodiversity business ideas were briefly presented by the applicants. Each applicant received the final version of the business plans they have been working on since December with CENER 21 team.

The crucial part of the training consisted of short presentations about available national, regional and EU funding resources for pro-biodiversity businesses. Participants were able to distinguish which funds are the most appropriate for their business and which steps they need to undertake. They received many useful information and advices that will help them in the future. The training was wrapped up by the practical exercise, where applicants simulated the process of applying for funds for their own business idea. 

“Training leads to better processes and more efficient work and this experience will be very helpful in future work for further development of business ideas. I learned a lot of things while working with experts from CENER 21. I found this training extremely useful since I had an opportunity to share information and experience with other applicants. Project team has great knowledge in the area of business development and finances and their approach was excellent.  It was a pleasure to be a part of the ECO KARST training” said Mr Mušić who deals with essential oils and tea production in the company Halilović Ltd.

Mrs Stomornjak Mina who plans to offer accommodation in a traditional Bosnian wooden house while serving the delicious homemade food, agreed with Mr Mušić and added she is very thankful for all of the suggestions and recommendations given by the expert team from CENER 21.

All participants concluded that the implementation of the ECO KARST Action plan is highly necessary for the improvement of business environment in the wider area of Bijambare PL. One of the key conclusions they came up with is the fact the producers and service providers will be more successful if they approach the market united through association and exchanging products and services through their businesses.

 The main moto of this training was the quote by Dianne Feinstein: “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play it better than anyone else.”

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)