TRANSGREEN - Green Connectivity on the spring menu of Infrastructure-focused events


Budapest, April 2019. Food for thought on green and grey infrastructure and spatial planning from the TRANSGREEN International Conference on Natural-Infrastructure Connectivity.

First, count over 110 registered participants. Then, consider a full auditorium. Afterwards, add a side-dish of “urban-green” session, which covers presentations on spatial planning, urban green spaces, green infrastructure networks and ecosystem services. Add to the mix a session on ecology topics, which consider the effects of habitat structure under road bridges, wildlife corridors, digital mapping of soil degradation and monitoring methodologies of large carnivores. Shake well and, voilà: the TRANSGREEN International Conference on Natural-Infrastructure Connectivity.

Last 4 April 2019, Budapest, Hungary, received a contingent of scientists, scholars and engineers from the Danube region to discuss and share their work and research on the themes of green and grey infrastructure and spatial planning. The full-day event served to foster cooperation possibilities between the participants and allowed for sharing ongoing research activities and best practices conceived around the Danube region.

The conference was organised by CEEweb for Biodiversity as part of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (Interreg DTP) TRANSGREEN project, and it aimed towards an ideal scenario of adequate policy development throughout borders and sectors. The goal: get safer and more environmentally-friendly road and rail networks in the mountainous regions of the Danube Basin, going in line with TRANSGREEN’s aim, a project with a special focus on the Carpathian Mountains and the development of ecological corridors.

And now, the presentations are available for downloading at this link for any interested researcher or party who wants to have access. Thus, bon appétit!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)