
On 20.03.2019 Mike Nagorkin, the Thematic Pole Leader of Pole 3: Enterpreneurial Learning Systems visited InnoEnergy to meet the Lead Partner of the project. 

Thematic Pole 3 is one of the 11 Thematic Poles within the Danube Transnational Programme. To facilitate thematic exchnage among projects several thematic Poles are defined by the critical mass of the projects adressing each topic.

Within the Thematic Pole 3 there are 9 different projects from the 1st and 2nd Call with the focus on Entrepreneurial Learning Systems. The main goal of the projects under this Pole is to  foster cooperation between key stakeholders of labour market, education and research policies in order to develop learning regions and environments that shall jointly increase the innovative capacities of the labour force in the Danube Region. It will be achieved through new forms of partnerships and cooperation among key stakeholders (labour market, education and training, research and employers). Employers (private, public and voluntary) have an important role to play in identifying the knowledge, skills and competences needed in working life. The collaborative aspect is utmost important since it creates value that cannot be produced by the organisation on its own.

Mike Nagorkin, who is also representing another Project named Finance4SocialChange provided an overview on the activities within the DTP Capitalisation Strategy and emphasized the importance of cross project and cross Pole cooperation. He also shared the  topics of the upcoming Capitalsation Workshop, where all 9 projects are invited and will come together to meet, network and jointly work on capitalising on each others knowledge and expertise.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)