EcoInn Danube - presented during the NATIONAL CLUSTER CONFERENCE in Sofia


On the 26th and 27th of March 2019, the National cluster conference named "Innovations and clusters to a knowledge-driven economy" was held in Sofia, where the EcoInn Danube team from CCI-Vratsa where invited to present the project.

The event was organized by Association of Business Clusters, part of the EU CLUSTERS WEEK. The association also celebrated their 10th year anniversary with the participants to the conference. 

The event had more than 40 speakers from 12 european countries, tackling the topic of Bulgarian clusters, creativeness, Big data, innovations and other.

CCI-Vratsa representative was invite to present the EcoInn Danube project during the panel Successful projects and partnerships. Other Danube transnational projects involved in the panle were DANUBIOVALNET and FORESDA.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)