REFOCuS - Walking through the forest transects. Say what?


This month researchers of the Slovenian Forestry Institute, as part of their project activities, inspected the transects through the Slovenian riparian forests in the Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube. Transects are lines delineated on the maps though the forest in a way to optimally cover the diversity of riparian forest types and issues related to riparian forests in Slovenian part of the Biosphere Reserve. Researchers were walking through those planned routes to check whether their projected routes are actually optimal for the project purposes and to make adjustments when necessary. Future steps include all the necessary measurements and assessments that are planned in the project lifetime, such as wood stock and vitality assessment, looking for forest pest and diseases and many more.

Take a stroll in your nearby forests, or if not possible, take a look at our field work in gallery.


(Photo: Gregor Božič)


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)