InnoHPC - INVITATION - WP6 Pilot project workshop in Romania - 19th April 2019


Inno HPC Romanian partner UEFISCDI - Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding is organising the  WP6 Pilot project workshop which will be held in Romania, on 19 April 2019, at Politehnica University of Bucharest.

They're planning  to have workshop starting with a pitching session of the Romanian companies involved in the pilot project  (Continental Automotive Romania – Gaianu Mihail, -Inspersso SRL – Ciprian Mihnea,  Go4ecomobility SRL - Henri Jonckheere,  Design Tech SRL - Gabriel Chindris) and then a mentorship session. For the mentorship session, they invite the partners which are HPC providers and which are working with the four Romanian companies for the pilot to act as mentors.

Also, they want to ask our partners who manage the InnoHPC Lab if they are able to come in Bucharest to present the platform to the participants. They can introduce a dedicated session before the pitching panel.

In order to prepare the workshop, please confirm your participation to the workshop in Bucharest by adding your data HERE till 5th of April 2019.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)