INSiGHTS - National roundtable meeting held in Zala County


In the framework of INSiGHTS project a national roundtable meeting has been held recently in Lenti under the title ”Healthy Town – Healthy Region”.

Following the welcome speech of dr. Attila Pál, president of the General Assembly of Zala County and the introduction of the project, Szabolcs Juhász, director of Hungarian Tourism Agency spoke about the current situation of the tourism in Hungary, highlighting the development potentials in slow, green and healthy tourism.

As a best practice dr. Péter Pető, vice-president of the General Assembly of Győr-Moson-Sopron County introduced the successful tourism organizing activities performed in Szigetköz (a small region lying partly in Austria and Slovakia and the Hungarian stretch of the Danube), then Károly Kovács, head of the Development Agency of Lenti and the Surroundings gave an insight about the tourism development plans and results of the town and the region.

Following the presentations a lively discussion evolved  among the participants on the potentials hiding in the green, slow, and healthy tourism. Finally all present agreed that the precise determination of the target group is essential, while focusing on its uniqueness we have to find a market gap for the region in health tourism which does not have any alternatives within a circle of 50-70 km. An integrated tourism development strategy should be worked out and they will have further discussions on it. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)