CAMARO-D - Final project conference


Joint conference with PROLINE-CE project


+++   Two projects get together    +++   Two projects get together   +++   Two projects get together   +++



The final project conference will take place in Vienna on June 03 and 04, 2019, hosted by the Lead Partner, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism.


In order to create synergies between two INTERREG projects, both  of which are coming to its end, this event will be jointy organised with PROLINE-CE. This is a project which focuses on optimal land-use management for drinking water protection whereas CAMARO-D develops a river-catchment-based Land Use Development Plan for a sustainable protection of water resources and mitigation of flood risk.


The final conference will be the perfect opportunity to get an insight in both projects’ results and potential cross-fertilization.


In the afternoon of June 03, a panel discussion will take place:

"Protection of (drinking) water resources and mitigation of flood risk through the implementation of innovative practices in land use and water management – challenges, opportunities, possible steps for joint actions".


On June 04, between 11:00 and 14:00, a signing event is organised where the main declarations developed in each project, will be signed by notable representatives. In the afternoon, there will be the possibility to join a guided tour through Vienna's Belvedere castle.


Interested ? Have a look at the detailed agenda which is available here.


For registration, please send an e-mail until May 23rd to:


Looking forward to welcoming you!



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)