Transdanube.Pearls - AGREED: Danube.Pearls network will be founded


Representatives from 13 management organizations along the danube agreed upon the foundation of a "Danube.Pearls" network.

On 27 Febnruary 2019, 15 project partners from 9 Danube coutnries visited the city of Pécs in Hungary and discssed the possibilities to found a network of Danube.Pearls. The representatives of the outstanding destinations along the Danube, so-called Danube:Pearls reached an important milestone by unanimiously agreeing upon the creation of a Danube.Pearls network beyond project lifetime of Transdanube.Pearls.

The network will continue the work on the basis of the actions and the cooperation established in the project Transdanube.Pearls.Further information on the discussions and the meeting are available in the press relase.

The official foundation of the network will take place in the course of the final conference of the EU project Transdanube.Pealrs that will be organized at Lake Neusiedl, Austria on 13 May 2019. 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)