RADAR - Project presented at Project Implementation Seminar in Bosnia and Herzegovina


RADAR project is spreading its wings. At the end of February one of RADAR project Partners, Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club (BiHAMK), attended a Project Implementation Seminar regarding BiH Project Partners (DTP Second Call Proposals), which was held by NCP Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the Seminar, RADAR project, its objectives, and goals were well presented by the representatives of Project Partner Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club (BiHAMK).

Attendees were the Project Partners in the Danube Transnational Programme and first level controllers. Project Partners had a chance to present their projects to all the participants and representatives from NCP BiH. Discussion about communication plan and Interreg project visibility requirements and tools, where all the participants exchanged best practices and experiences about the project, followed. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)